Tattoo Booking
To book a tattoo, fill out the form below. Please allow up to one week for me to get back to you.
At this point I am taking almost any tattoo request. All styles are welcome. That being said, I would love to focus on flash and medium sized custom tattoo projects (around 8”-12” full forearm, calf, thigh, upper arm etc.). I’ve included some subjects and styles that I am especially inspired by and would love to do. Thank for your interest, and I look forward to working with you.
Subjects of interest
Animals, Insects & Plants
Dragons (Japanese, European)
Flowers (Roses, chrysanthemums, peonies, leaves & thorns etc.)
Lady heads
Mystical, Magickal, Celestial
Religious & Spiritual imagery
- Angels
- Deities
- Gods/Goddesses
- Sacred objects
Styles of interest
Illustrative black and grey or color
Neo traditional
If you have any further questions, feel free to email me directly